
Tag Archives: balm

Salve, or balm, is an ointment promoting healing when applied to the body. Its effects include the generation of healthy cells, such that without the assistance of the ointment, the body could not escape the cycle of death. Salve has the effect of infusing life by healing the functionality of cells. These cells allow sensory apparati to work effectively, connecting the organism to its world, thereby sustaining it.

Salve, or balm, provides a clear illustration for the Prophet (Jeremiah 8:22). The spiritual state of mankind is such that it cannot perceive the Source of All Life, causing a degeneration of spiritual health. Mankind is disconnected from the Unoriginate One, and as a result she fumbles about with her disordered carnal senses.

Mankind’s spiritual sensory apparati has been badly damaged by sins and passions (Psalm 135:17,18) (Psalm 115:5) (Psalm 36:2) (Isaiah 42:18) (Matthew 13:13). Her spiritual “eye” has been darkened (Matthew 6:23). The Logos of God, functioning as Priest, King, Teacher and Prophet in His Incarnation, fully enlightens and reveals this sobering spiritual reality with His teachings and miracles. All who meditate on His words and worship Him as the God-Man receive from Him the Cure, which He also incarnates for us. Christ Himself is the Salve of our Salvation (Isaiah 12:2) (Psalm 118:14). The Word of God is the Medicine of Immortality.

In the gospel of John chapter 9, Christ heals the man born blind. Being the Incarnation of Divine Generosity, His healing acts reveal the nature of Salvation, which springs from God Himself. Christ teaches that “This man was born blind that the works of God might be displayed in Him”. Prophetically and with Divine Compassion, Christ heals the man’s sight. The eternal significance of this act was further clarified in a conversation with the Pharisees in verse 40. For those who can see their blindness, they become enlightened, those who claim they can see, their guilt remains.